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Having a common language and understanding of human dynamics in a work place is highly conducive to creating powerful, synergistic team dynamics.

Leadership embodiment training will enable a group of people to be more skilful and resourceful in engaging with each other in the workplace, particularly in situations of high stress or conflict.


Basic introduction to Leadership Embodiment  (group) 3 hrs

  • Introduction to embodiment practice

  • 3 states of attention: their benefits to your business role, and how to use it to positively influence team dynamics

  • Returning to a centred state under pressure:  being more resourceful in the work place.

  • Application of centring practice in conversation.


Intensive Leadership embodiment and Somatic awareness training (group) 2 Days

  • Introduction to embodiment practice

  • Returning to a centred state under pressure

  • Speaking up with integrity and without aggression

  • Listening as a tool for productivity

  • Engaging in conversation from centre

  • Exploring Team dynamics and creating flow

  • Using space as a resource for creativity and organization




consolidation series

Consolidation series


1 day, to enjoy a better year. 


6 sessions group consolidation (6 x 3 hrs over 12 months) 


All skills worth having take experience and practice. This offering is aimed at people or groups who've had exposure to Leadership Embodiment coaching. These sessions are tailored to work with specific challenges facing individuals or the group and to deepen skills already achieved.


To ensure retention and development of embodiment skills, I offer a package of six 3-hour consolidation sessions spaced over 12 months. The invitation is to spend just under 1 day a year (cumulative hours) to live more productive and centred lives for the other 364 days.



  • Refreshing and Deepening the insights of centred practice

  • Developing capacity for application in daily life

  • Revisiting space and perspective as a resource in business and personal relationships

  • Developing greater skill in centred action

  • Further exploration of Team dynamics and flow

Individual Coaching

Individual  Coaching


The benefit of individual coaching is faster skill acquisition and deeper integration of the practices that allow us access to our empowered way of being.


  • Returning to and responding from a resourceful centred state under pressure

  • Leadership presence training

    • The 3 core leadership competencies

      • Speaking up without being  aggressive or dominating

      • Listening without taking things personally

      • Being inclusive to create harmonious, engaging and energetic environments and minimising conflict

    • How to cultivate an environment for creative, synchronous and powerful collaboration.

    • Aligning oneself and inspiring teams to align to a shared vision and goals

    • Conflict resolution

  • Recognising patterns and unskilful behaviour and learning how to make the shift to a more centred and skilled way of being.

  • On-going coaching in working through major challenges and returning to your inspired nature




corporate retreats

Corporate retreat


2-3 day Retreat by arrangement.


The best way to develop, integrate and embody new skill is immersion. The retreat is designed to meet the development needs of the client in an environment that allows immersion in the practice of resourceful and skilful action and engagement.

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